Does this happen to you?

When I was young I used to get in trouble while I was reading. Not because I was reading, but because I tuned everything out when I started a book and heard nothing around me. My parents would call my name several times and assume I was ignoring them. They never understood that I was lost in a world inside my own head that was as vivid as a movie.

movies in my head

Where are you?

I saw this picture years ago and it’s one of my favorites. It is truly how I view the books I love to read. Where is your current read taking you? Where does your favorite read take you?

where they take you


Peak vs. Peek vs. Pique

The tip this week was suggested by some reader friends. I’m always on the lookout for misused words and a great group of friends gave me a list. I might have Tuesday Tip suggestions for the rest of the year.

A peak means a maximum, to achieve a maximum, or to bring to a maximum.

A peek, means to glance quickly, or to look furtively.

Pique means to provoke or arouse, or to provoke resentment or indignation. It can also be a noun when referring to a feeling of resentment or indignation resulting from wounded pride.

Here’s a visual for a quick reference.


A new Spring look!

My website is almost three years old and I was ready for a change. What better time to push out the old and make way for new than in the Spring? Thanks to my “Computer Boy” for making it happen for me this weekend. Staying up way past our bedtime goes above and beyond. Thankfully, the kids and I let you sleep in on Sunday.

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I truly thought my indy novella was in great shape for release. I had thirty books and five years in the industry under my belt. I’d gotten a bang up cover artist, a wonderful editor and a fabulous copy editor. Turned out, it wasn’t enough. Just like in traditional publishing, things slip through the cracks. Then I hired Nicole. She caught typos, grammar issues, formatting snafus, and even a continuity problem. Without her keen eye, I would’ve put out a product that wasn’t ready for my readers eyes, and I would’ve regretted it. My advice? Write a great book, get an editor, and then? Hire Nicole!

– USA Today Bestselling Author, Christine Bell

Sit vs. Set

Earlier I posted a Tuesday Tip comparing Lay vs. Lie. I keep that handy graphic on my desktop so I can refer to it, and I refer to it often. Today’s tip is another common mistake I see all the time. Thanks to The Notebooking Fairy for the great illustration and easy explanation to differentiate between the two.

sit vs set

3324 E. Ray Road #41
Higley, AZ 85236